Hamilton United Methodist Church
Rev. Latasha D. Milton, Senior Pastor

​​Nursery Care is offered at every Sunday Service by a professional who loves children and has been background checked.
Sunday School is taught year round at 9:30 AM (After children are dismissed from the sanctuary) by wonderful teachers who love God and will take excellent care in helping kids love God too!
Young Disciples Time is time with the pastor during our 9 AM service.

Youth and Young adults do a variety of activities ranging from Fire Pit nights, dinners together, book studies, Lock-Ins, and more.

​Hope Circle is a group of women who meet monthly for fellowship, spiritual growth and service projects.
WWF stands for many things from Wacky Women of Faith to the Wild Women's Fellowship. Enough said about this group!
W.I.N.G.S. meets every Wednesday at 10AM to knit or crochet prayer blankets, baby caps, cancer caps and make needlepoint prayer crosses that are sent around the world!
Plastic with A Purpose meets every Wednesday at 10 AM to create plastic barriers for those who are experiencing homelessness.
Women of Prayer meet on Mondays at 12:30 pm and pray for all in need of prayer!

Monthly Prayer Breakfast for the Men of Hamilton & community. Your presence is requested at our monthly prayer breakfast, Christian Fellowship & Intentional Prayer every 1st Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 827 1037 0652
Passcode: 814805

Bible Study we study the Bible together every Tuesday from 7:00-8:30 pm. No prior knowledge is needed.

Each year Hamilton hosts a week long Vacation Bible School that includes music, story time, snacks, games, mission projects and much more. As many as 100 kids from the community love attending and come back year after year!